Our network is backed by technologies focused on Internet of Things (IOT) because we assumed that growing network of physical objects needs Internet connectivity. We have introduced advanced systems, including advanced antennas and materials to improve the communication that occurs between objects and Internet-enabled devices and systems. Our patent pending network extends internet connectivity beyond traditional to a diverse range of devices for everyday things that utilize the Internet and embedded technology so that these devices may communicate and interact with their external environment via the Internet. We have introduced embedded antennas and sensors on chip to enable better communications with electronics, software, sensors and to provide better connectivity to enable efficient data exchange with other connected devices. We have also developed Flexible Internet Of Things “FIOT” to offer advanced connectivity of devices on the go.
Our FIOT includes wearable outfit “Patented” for detection of weapons of mass destruction and for applications in civil establishment hospitals. A system and services that goes beyond machine-to-machine “M2M” and peer-2-peer “P2P”communications, but also covers a variety of protocols, domains, and applications in wearable electronics.